East China Liberated Area Stamps & Postal History

11590 | Yenbu Area 1944 2nd Printing Pigeon 5c surch. “New Anti-Japanese Currency” read from right to left

Yenbu Area 1944 2nd Printing Pigeon 5c surch. “New Anti-Japanese Currency” read from right to left

Author: --

Size: --

Signed and dated: --


Final Price: RMB 280,000

Yenbu Area 1944 2nd Printing Pigeon 5c surch. “New Anti-Japanese Currency” read from right to left,used,with wide margin,VF-F,extremely scarce,collection of the famous liberation area collector Z.H. Shen,Yang EC240,PRC Liberation Area Catalog K.HZ-14(2);

A Complete Collection of Postage Stamps of China (Liberation Areas),Page 44,1990,Beijing Yanshan Press
Postage Stamp Catalogue of The People’s Republic of China (Liberated Area),6th Edition,Page 53,1991,by N.C. Yang
The Postage Stamp Catalogue of the Chinese People’s Revolutionary War Period,Page 127,1993,Compiled by China Stamp Museum
The Postage Stamp Catalogue of China’s Liberated Areas,Page 19,1993,Posts & Telecom Press
The Postage Stamp Catalogue of China’s Liberated Areas,Page 20,1998,Posts & Telecom Press
The History of Chinese Postage Stamps Vol.5,Page 239,1999,The Commercial Press